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Nancy Walker Bush Ellis

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Nancy Walker Bush Ellis
Moted: 4 febul 1926
Deadam: 10 yanul 2021
Deadamakod: COVID-19[*]
Lifatopam: Boston
Cal(s): köologijelan[*], dayäfan bolitik[*]
Tatät(s): Lamerikän
Cil(s): John Prescott Ellis[*], Alexander Ellis III[*], Joe Ellis[*]
Pal(s): Prescott Bush[*]
Gem(s): George H. W. Bush, Jonathan Bush, William H. T. Bush[*], Prescott S. Bush, Jr.[*]

Jiel Nancy Walker Bush Ellis (pemotöl tü 1926 febul 4 in Milton, Massachusetts - edeadöl tü 2021 yanul 10 in Concord, Massachusetts[1]) äbinof dayäfan bolitik Lamerikänik. Äbinof sör presidana 41id Lamerikäna, hiela George H. W. Bush e zian presidana 43id Lamerikäna, hiela George W. Bush.

  1. Nancy Bush Ellis, Sister and Aunt of Presidents, Dies at 94, The New York Times, 2021 yanul 10 (in Linglänapük)